
Friday 6 October 2017

Inferring in reading

This week in reading we were learning about inferring.
When you infer you mix what you know and what you read in the story.
We learned how to infer by finding key words and making connections to what we already knew.
This week we applied our understanding to a text in a Junior Journal. It was about war mascots.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Brilliant boat making

Goal: To make a tin foil boat to hold the most plastic teddy bears and plastic dinosaurs before it sinks.

• Tin foil  • A bucket of water  • A white board
• Plastic teddy bears  • Plastic dinosaurs  •A white board pen

1. Get some tin foil and fold up the edges.
2. Put the boat on the water.
3. Put teddy bears and dinosaurs in your boat.
4. Make sure you count up the teddy bears so you know how many fit in your boat.
5. When it sinks, put the total on your whiteboard.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Persuasive Writing

I am very passionate about protecting the beach and the beach animals and thats why I chose this topic. We can protect the sea animals by making sure we don't litter and let our rubbish makes its way to the ocean, because it will destroy their environment and animals can eat or get caught in the rubbish. It also does not look very nice when there is rubbish all over the beach.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

New Blog

I have a blog of my own.